Wednesday 15 May 2013

Let us think well!

 Though as Bible had said that money does everything in life but cannot give us life! In this situation of life at now that many people can do whatever to get money at any purpose, what are going to do?
  Rogue leaders  siphon billion of dollars into foreign accounts for his generation that he or she does not know if it will exist or not? A man can kill his wife or children because of money and think he is smart.  A man can deceive and kill his neighbour because he is very at haste to get riches.Some people are on the fast track to get rich quick while some sleep in the church waiting for God to throw manna to them or a piece of gold from heaven.
  We must think well because we shall leave this world and die! Men of this world should come and reason that all these things of the world though are sweet but are vanity upon vanity.

Let us think well! Let us think well!! Let us think well!!!

  I just imagine in my life and see the way things are moving! People just go up and down and run , walk and work for a single purpose which is financial issue!