I was travelling to a town one day in my life seeking for a better lfe that i passed through the northern hemisphere of Africa and landed in a small village called wisut.
After three days of walking in the desert, i decided to search for a drinking water to quell my thirst.I searched but i could not get it but my hope was that when i would get to the
i would get it because OASIS is a fertile place in the desert but to my surprise,the OASIS in the periphery of Wisut town was totally dried.
Then i was shocked and wonder what the problem was then i continued my journey to seek for green pasture walking in the arid zone after migrating from Wisut town. After a week,then cloud was thick black forming
cloud in the atmosphere then i decided to seek for sanctuary but could not find any!
I then brought out my jacket and wore it and was excited of relief due to tiredless walking from time to time.I was also glad for drinking water from rain to quell my thirst
Then rain started drizzling from above in the arid zone which was hot like brimstones in fire.